There are several types of lab bench worksurfaces commonly used in laboratory settings. The specific worksurface materials used can vary depending on the requirements of the lab and the type of work being conducted. Here are some of the most common types:
Epoxy Resin: Epoxy resin worksurfaces are highly durable, chemical-resistant, and provide excellent heat resistance. They are commonly used in laboratories where there is a need for resistance to corrosive chemicals and high temperatures.
Phenolic Resin: Phenolic resin worksurfaces are also highly durable and chemical-resistant. They are less expensive than epoxy resin and provide good resistance to heat and impact. Phenolic resin worksurfaces are commonly used in general-purpose laboratories.
Stainless Steel: Stainless steel worksurfaces are known for their excellent resistance to corrosion, chemicals, and heat. They are easy to clean and maintain, making them suitable for laboratories where cleanliness and hygiene are important.
Solid Surface: Solid surface worksurfaces are made of a blend of acrylic or polyester resins and mineral fillers. They provide good chemical resistance and are non-porous, making them easy to clean. Solid surface worksurfaces are commonly used in research and healthcare laboratories.
Laminates: High-pressure laminate worksurfaces are made by bonding layers of paper or fabric with a resin under high pressure. They provide good chemical resistance and are relatively economical. However, they may be less resistant to heat and impact compared to other worksurface materials.
These are just a few examples of the most common lab bench worksurface materials. Other specialized worksurfaces may be used in specific lab settings, such as anti-static surfaces for electronics labs or granite surfaces for precision work. The choice of worksurface depends on the specific needs of the laboratory and the types of experiments or work being conducted.